Monday, December 31, 2007

Everybody is Special

But some are even more special! I was delighted to be visited by this lady and her husband today.

She was Jeanette Banks, who used to live on a farm in the Buller Gorge and i went to school with her - a year or two ago!

Jeanette has still got that great smile. (Shame the photos are a bit blurry).

Jeanette, if you're reading this - have you seen the 'Hometown, Reefton' site ? (google it). They've got photos on there from the school reunion. Really great to see you - made my day.


Sunday, December 30, 2007

Special Visitors!

Well, everyone is special, but some are even more so.

These are old family friends. (Well, they're not old - but we've known them for a long, long time!) Timothy in the Argo with his wife, Cecile, and their boys Samuel and Matthew. They live in France, in Lyons i think.

Timothy's sister, Raine and her husband, Scott, at extreme right and left, with their girl, Madeleine in the Argo. They live in California, near San Diego.

Vry cool!


Saturday, December 29, 2007

December 30 2007

It's been a funny old day today. Thought it was going to be hot, but the low cloud hung around all day, which was good. We had a few visitors :-

And, Phew! I think i'll go to bed now!


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thank you, Ngapera!

Now they're flying the Maori Sovereignty Flag. I think we're going to have trouble!


Monday, December 24, 2007

A Place of Safety

December 25 is the only day of the year that On Yer Bike/Little Earth are not open for business.

These are just a few of the friends enjoying a non-Christmas Barbeque in our backyard.

(It's now 7.30pm and it's 'persisting' down out there - which is good because everybody's gone home!)


Yeah, rite - Tui!

This is Tui who comes and mows the lawns sometimes, which is really good of him and much appreciated because it's a pig of a job and everybody hates doing it - especially me!

Thanks Tui. You're a good guy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Keith Lock MP.

We had a visit today by this very pleasant man. He said that his family stayed on holiday in Waiuta in 1953/4, a couple of years after the mine closure.

I showed him around a bit and went down the hill with him to show him the 'Reefton' village in the barn. When he was leaving, i asked him which way he was travelling - which i normally do. He said that he was just going to Hokitika as he was 'giving a bit of a talk there tonight.'

So, of course, i asked him what he does . He said, "I'm a Member of Parliament for the Green Party. Keith Lock."

Sheesh! If i was an MP, that'd be the first thing i told people, not the last! What a nice guy.

(I thought his face was familiar but couldn't put a name to it - you don't expect people that you've seen in the media).

While on the subject of politics, I can't find the reference at the moment, but it goes something like this. When the local paper was announcing the voting in a general election, it stated the results for Waiuta were (something like) 180 votes for Labour Party, 1/2 a dozen for the Communists and 3 for the National candidate, (Keith Holyoake - later a long-serving Prime Minister). The Waiuta correspondent stated that "It is hard to understand why anyone would vote National in a working-class, mining town."

Amen to that.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


She was just sitting there, minding her own business, in Gnomeland, when i came along with the weed-eater & chopped her in half. Poor little thing!

However, a dab of the good glue and she's all back together again - don't know if she'll ever fly the same though.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Saturday, December 1, 2007