Monday, September 29, 2008

One Little Mytton (Day 4)

So, today started off raining, but it got better as the day went on. (Not that I saw a lot of sunshine - i slept all afternoon).

We had an early start today. Fizzy had to get up at 3.30am to cook some spaghetti & eggs. Well, i was hungry! I had two yoghurts too.

We'll have to train Mummy better, i think.

Six o'clock this morning, Kyle was delighted to find a Playstation in Belinda's room. I was allowed to watch him play. (Nanny thinks it's an X-Box. What would nannies know?)

We went to MacDonalds for lunch. I was far too busy too eat, so had lunch in the car afterwards. There were all these kids there to play with. See this girl? Don't know her name, but - nice butt eh?

Did you know that Church Shops have toys too? I got some more Heroes and this game thingie. Apparently this is real football, not stupid rugby.

I taught the Heroes & Monsters to play football.

Now, I've just got out of bed and i am GRUMPY! It's going to be a long night.


One Little Mytton, (Day 3)

It was raining here today - oh, Boy! was it raining! apparently, that doesn't happen very often.

Nanny went to work. Kyle went to work with Granddad, (but they came home early). Connor went to a holiday programme thing and is staying the night with Tui. Fizzy & Belinda stayed home to amuse me. Here's some more photos, (because i'm gorgeous).

Like my new teeth?

They're good for scaring Granddads.

Kyle is very good at playing with Heroes.

He also makes a good bridge. (They've got the lounge set up like a dormitory with beds everywhere. It's great! Big TV, dvd's, cousins, what more could a boy ask for?)

But you have to help with the work. Nannies are bossy!

The bath is getting fuller. Still good though.

I'll bet Gracie is missing me.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

One Little Mytton (Day 2)

Okay, so here's the first day of my holiday in Greymouth, in pictures - I've had a camera pointing at me all day long, like I was a celebrity or something. These are just some of them.

I had a big sleep, when I woke up this morning, Granddad had already gone to work.

We went shopping - to the $2 shop first, (of course!) I'll have more toys than Granddad soon.

Then we went to the Supermarket to stock-up on boy-food. Yay!

I took my Heroes and Monsters outside so they could play in the sun.

Chrissie came to visit, so she had to play with them too.

We went down to the fishing boats. Belinda came too.

You have to be careful around here.

Think I look lke a pirate? Maybe that's what I'm gonna be.

On the way back home, I did some tree-hugging.

Maybe I won't be a pirate - I might be a Greenie instead.

I showed Tui how to jump on the trampoline.

I think he can work it out for himself.

I got Vi out of her chair and told her to sit in the armchair so that I could have a turn, (It's a bit tricky).

I had a haircut while I was in the bath. Pretty cool, eh? I'm big now.

I'm so big I didn't want to wear a nappy. I told them, "I want to do it in the toilet!"

Nany's got no toilet seat. She said I might fall down the hole! I got out of there fast.

So now I'm watching Toy Story, with Tui, and we're waiting for my big cousins to arrive on the bus.

And that's enough.


One Little Mytton

(Here is a quick look into a day in the life of Luke).

So, apparently, we're on holiday - just me, myself and I. Mummy, Grace, Kate and I got in the car this morning and we went to Murchison. Nanny and Fizzy were there! (that's funny).

We went to the Junk Shop and I scored some Heroes and Monsters. Mummy and the girls went somewhere and I got in Nanny's car and we went to Greymouth. We picked-up Granddad from his work and went to Granddad's House. That was cool.

(Granddad's a bit scared of the monsters - especially the 'scary spiders').

These crazy people had a whole lot of yellow and orange snakes in their living-room, but I saved them. I threw them into Fizzy's room.

After tea, which I didn't eat a lot of, we went to the Warehouse and I scored some more heroes. Then I had a bath - all by myself! (That doesn't happen very often), and we went to bed.

I think I'm going to like this being on holiday. They say that my big cousins are coming tomorrow - they're on holiday too! There's no kids here yet though - just me! Well, there is my Granddad, I'm not sure if that counts.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Interesting Visitors

We had visitors today from Wellington, Brisbane, Byelorussia and - this couple, Lorraine and Gerald, were from Christchurch.(Whoop-de-do!)

However, they're almost relations. Lorraine's Grandfather married my Grandmother, 48 years ago. (Sheesh!) So, that means we're, almost, cousins.

Great to see you.
