Monday, March 12, 2007

Post 1

Okay - Not saying much (yet). This is just a trial run - hope we can do it again.


Charlie said...

Yay for you! Well done for creating your own blog and a great idea. Just another place for me to disappear into each night! A great way to share your fantastic creation with the rest of the world.


Unknown said...

Hey there from the "original" Bekonscot in England... keep us updated with progress...! Tim Dunn, Bekonscot Model Village

wegan said...

Yay. Now I can comment on your blog.

Hopefully I can be as witty as you are on mine.

wegan said...

Yay. Now I can comment on your blog.

Hopefully I can be as witty as you are on mine.

Alan said...

Yay comments!

Hello Charlie and Wegan, great to see you here. Thanks.

Tim! - hello. I was going to email you & tell you that we're doing this. Guess i don't have to now. Great that you've found it too.

Hopefully i'll get better at this posting business. Lee! How do u do the pics again?
