Saturday, August 9, 2008

They Say the Lights are Always Bright on Broadway

These are 2 pics of Broadway. One is in New York, the other is in Reefton. Can you tell which is which?

Actually, Reefton's main street got it's name from Thomas Broad, the first resident magistrate in the town. When he arrived there, he got out of the coach outside Dawson's Hotel, looked up the mud-track and he said, "Well, it's not Broadway." So they changed the name so that it is.

Not quite the same, but at least they've got the same name.


Charlie said...

Heck I think the absence of overhead power lines might just give it away!

Alan said...

Very well spotted, Charlie!

(Just too easy, wasn't it?)


Three little Myttons said...

You just live in a dream world don't you Mr Hunt!

That is a very old picture of Reefton, maybe it has changed? ? ?

Alan said...

Three Cheeky Little Myttons!

It's not that old - "tous change, tous la meme"

So there!


Alan said...

BTW - if you look very closely, at the far end of Broadway, you can see the Monteiths Brewery.

cheers again

Alan said...

"Plus ça change plus c'est la même chose"

(Sometimes people try to look clever & fall flat on their faces)
